Friday, January 10, 2020

Case #16 poem

Falling Up

ISBN: 9780060248024
Publisher: HarperCollins US
Publication date: 01/24/2006

Coming from the same classic author Shell Silverstein brings 
classic black-and-white stories filled with unforgettable 
characters. Allison Beals goes through the Garden all in a 
hot air balloon

I really like this book it looks really fun. The fact that it 
was in black-and-white he just reminds me of the old fashion
 book that no one can really find any more. The drawings are 
detailed but in a very precise manner that doesn’t have too much 
detail but yet not sure straight lines. This book is great for all ages.

I would rate this a 4 out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Shel Silverstein is THE children's poet I think of when I think of children's poetry. As I said on someone else's blog, my husband can still recite some of his poetry by heart it made that much of an impression on him when he was a young student with dyslexia struggling to learn to read. The humor in Silverstein's poetry is contagious!
