Friday, January 10, 2020

Case #18 Graphic Novel


ISBN: 9780545326995
Publisher: Scholastic, Inc
Publication Date: 09/01/2012

Callie a student in school wants to try out for her middle 
school theater production but instead, she chooses a different
part of the production but choosing stage crew. She is 
determined to make it to Broadway for the production. But, 
can she Salinas ticket and have the rest of the cast work together?

This is a really cute story for middle school but younger 
students who are just starting to read chapter books. I feel like a 
lot of students go through things that aren’t talked about in school
 like bullying and make the students feel like left out. This is the 
same author who wrote the book Smile.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Raina,
    I also read this book and really enjoyed it. I thought she did a great job of showing the different experiences of middle school except my one criticism was the the "Bully" character of the leading girl in the show didn't feel super realistic to me. She was very up front with her rudeness and my experience with girls who weren't so nice was much more underhanded and lowkey than that so she wasn't quite as believeable for me.
